摘要: 相信很多留学小伙伴非常关注毕业后专业的薪资情况,同时英国发布毕业生高薪专业数据,在这次的数据榜单中,哪些专业薪资最高?今天出国留学小编就给大家介绍英国《邮报》发布毕业生高薪专业数据,如果对这个话题...
帝国理工学院的计算机专业位居第四, 毕业五年后的薪酬中位数为66,100英镑。
2019年底爆发的新冠疫情,不仅改变了世界政治经济局势, 更对就业市场造成了极大冲击,带来了前所未有的挑战。因此在选择适合的大学,和就业前景更广阔的专业比以往任何时候都重要。
medicine and dentistry 医学与牙医
the university of dundee
the university of glasgow
the university of keele
st georges hospital medical school
the university of york
the university of edinburgh
the university of birmingham
the university of leicester
the university of liverpool
university of nottingham
economics 经济学
the university of cambridge
the university of st andrews
university college london
the university of bath
university of durham
the university of oxford
london school of economics and political science
the university of warwick
the university of bristol
the university of surrey
engineering 工程类
havering college of further and higher education
the university of oxford
imperial college of science, technology and medicine
bournemouth university
university of cumbria
the university of cambridge
the open university
kings college london
the university of bath
university college london
mathematical sciences 数学
london school of economics and political science
imperial college of science, technology and medicine
the university of oxford
university college london
the university of warwick
the university of bristol
the university of bath
university of durham
the university of edinburgh
the university of southampton
architecture 建筑
guildford college of further and higher education
anglia ruskin university
university campus suffolk
loughborough university
the university of reading
the university of aberdeen
glasgow caledonian university
the nottingham trent university
oxford brookes university
coventry university
medical science 医学
queen mary university of london
the university of dundee
university college london
the university of oxford
kings college london
university of hertfordshire
city of westminster college
the city university
the university of edinburgh
middlesex university
business 商科
the university of oxford
the university of cambridge
the university of bath
london school of economics and political science
the university of warwick
university college london
the city university
the university of bristol
loughborough university
university of nottingham
computing 计算机
the university of cambridge
imperial college of science, technology and medicine
kings college london
the university of bristol
university of nottingham
the university of southampton
the university of york
queen mary university of london
the university of birmingham
loughborough university